Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Pattern 1

Wednesday, January 7, 2015
For the new year I am going to start creating my own repeatable designs, and I would like to share them with you as I go.  I'll explain to you how I create them, and you can follow along and have some fun creating some similar ones of your own.  For this first pattern, you will need Kaleidoscope Kreator and Photoshop Elements (I am using version 10).  This pattern will be created from a simple square two color kaleidoscope.  A one square kaleidoscope by itself will repeat seamlessly to infinity.
Step 1 - Create a simple two color kaleidoscope in Kaleidoscope Kreator and save it as a jpg file.  Here is my kaleidoscope design.
Step 2 - Open the kaleidoscope file in Photoshop Elements.  If you have your rulers on, you will see that the file is 6" x 6".  Resize the file so that it will create a smaller pattern.  Go to the Image menu and select Resize -> Image Size.  Change the width and height to 2" and click 'OK'.
Step 3 - Now you can create your pattern.  Under the Select menu, click 'All'.  With the 'marching ants' around the entire image, go to the Edit menu and click 'Define Pattern from Selection'.  It will ask you for a name for your pattern.  I named mine Kal001 2 in.  I like to give it a name that describes what it is and it's repeat.  So my name means that it is my first kaleidoscope pattern and it has a 2" repeat.
Step 4 - So we can see how the pattern looks in repeat, you will need to create a new file to fill.  Go to File -> New -> Blank File.  Create a file that is 8" x 8" at 300 dpi.
Step 5 - To fill your new file, click on the paint bucket tool.  Put a check mark in the pattern box in the options bar.  Now select the pattern you just created.  Using the paint bucket fill the entire file with your new pattern.  Here is how mine looks.

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