Sunday, February 14, 2021

May 2013 Kaleidoscope


Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Moving on with my May 2013 calendar image, this one has lots of red and pink to celebrate Valentine’s Day today.  I didn’t plan that, it just worked out that way as it is the next kaleidoscope on my list.  I was on a roll that year with all of my 2013 kaleidoscopes being created with similar techniques, i.e., using the Cookie Cutter Tool and altering the colors on a separate layer.

For this one, I copied the first layer and cropped it with the shape called Circle Frame under the Shapes Category called, you guessed it, Shapes.  It is like a doughnut, a circle with a whole in the center so you can see what is underneath.  One of the nice features of the Cookie Cutter Tool is that you can set an option called Feathering.  This makes the edges of the crop very soft.  If you look closely, you can see where the color changes are soft and smooth in a circular shape.

Image Copyright © 2013 Judith Ahlborn