Sunday, March 28, 2021

November 2013 Kaleidoscope

Sunday, March 28, 2021 

March is almost over.  It is hard to believe this year is moving along so quickly, and I am nearing the end of showing you a full year of calendar images.  This week I am featuring my kaleidoscope from November of 2013.

The original image from this was a photo of a carpet design.  There is an endless array of carpet designs out there, and I found at the time that they make for some beautiful kaleidoscopes.  The crop shape I used for this one came from a custom shapes file that I purchased online.  If you do a little searching, there are lots of sites that have custom shapes, patterns, brushes, and gradients that you can purchase or sometimes find for free and use within Photoshop.  This particular shape was included in a shapes file that contained an assortment of circles.  I used a feathered edge when I cropped my duplicate layer and then edited the colors.

The files that contain custom shapes are called .csh files.  In order to see them in the menu, they need to be copied into the folder where all of the Photoshop Elements shapes are housed.  It can be found under Presets>Custom Shapes where Photoshop Elements has been installed on your computer.  You do not manage them through the Preset Manager like you do brushes and patterns.  They have to be moved into the actual Photoshop folder where custom shapes are.  It is a good idea to keep track of these files and remember that you put them there, because if you ever need to reinstall Photoshop you will have to move them there again.

Image Copyright © 2013 Judith Ahlborn


  1. That is good information regarding the .csh files. It is interesting that some customizations you have to place in the right folder, while others are dealt with through the brush and pattern managers.

    1. Yes, it is different for these, so it is good to know where to put them and remember that you have them there.
